Donald's Fine Foods index, premiums and bonuses
In addition to the base prices, producers are paid a quality-based premium/discount that is based on the dressed weight and the lean yield percentage. Below is the grid used.
Say for example, you produce a pig whose dressed carcass weight is 98kg and has a lean yield of 61%. On the grid, you would have an index of 116 for that hog. With the index of 116, the base payment can be computed as:
However, the base payment is not the final price. Bonuses and premiums can be added to the base payment for a hog. Below are the applicable premiums available under the Donald's Fine Foods contract:
$1.50 per hog if the carcass weight is between 93kg and 103kg and an index of 111 or greater.
A $2 per hog premium is paid if the hog delivery is made on a Sunday.
A $1, $1.50 or $2 per hog premium is paid for contracting on a 3-year, 4-year or 5-year term, respectively.
A premium of $2.50 per head is for Hogs that are Landrace x Large White F1 x 100% registered Purebred Duroc-sired hogs.
Although not directly tied to the price of the hog. When it comes to making sound economic decisions one may need to evaluate how freight factors into the overall value of a hog. If it would normally cost $6 per hog to ship hogs to your packer, and there is no considerable price difference when other premiums and bonus are considered, Since DFF covers the cost of shipping, then that would be the equivalent to generating up to $6 per hog in economic value (based on some simplifying assumptions).
The base price has a floor which is the minimum of either $1.45/kg or 90% of the USDA cutout value.