Remembering Bruce Campbell

Alberta Pork’s board of directors, staff and producers regret to announce the loss of pork industry legend, Bruce Campbell, who passed away on Tues., May 17, aged 85-years-old. Our sincere condolences to Campbell’s loved ones and former colleagues. Campbell grew up on a farm near Chater, Manitoba and graduated from the University of Manitoba, in…

Carbon tax exemption moves ahead

Overview Earlier this month, Alberta Pork recommended hog producers advocate for Bill C-234, an Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. The proposed amendment would “expand the definition of eligible farming machinery and extend the exemption to include natural gas and propane for specific uses.” Last week, on Wed., May 18, the bill…

Remembering Bernie Peet

Alberta Pork’s board of directors, staff and producers regret to announce that long-time pork industry titan, Bernie Peet, passed away unexpectedly on Wed., Apr. 20, aged 72-years-old. Our sincere condolences to Peet’s loved ones and former colleagues. Peet studied agriculture at Reading University, in Berkshire, U.K., from where he graduated, in 1974. After graduation, he…

Alberta hog farmers donate $10,000 to Ukraine

The current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has deeply touched everyone. As we all look for an end to this meaningless conflict, the violence and population displacement has created a tremendous need for international support. In solidarity with those affected by the situation, Alberta Pork’s board of directors has chosen to make a $10,000 financial contribution…

Food Banks Alberta welcomes pork from local farmers

Overview Alberta Pork is pleased to announce a new partnership with Food Banks Alberta. Last week, Alberta’s hog farmers donated five pallets of vacuum-packed fresh pork tenderloin, representing more than 5,000 tenderloins or enough for 15,000 meal portions. “We are beyond grateful for our new partnership with Alberta Pork,” says Arianna Scott, CEO, Food Banks…

Potential rail strike threatens feed supply

With global livestock feed supply already strained for several significant reasons, fuelling high prices, another possible disruption has been added to the list: a potential worker strike for Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway, which may begin as early as Friday, March 11. CP is a major transporter of grain in western Canada and has played a…

Alberta Pork introduces 2022 directors

The Alberta Pork Board of Directors welcomes its latest members, Stan Vanessen and Dan Majeau. Our board of directors helps guide the future direction of our organization while performing important work on behalf of fellow producers and the entire industry. Stan and Dan will begin their upcoming three-year terms in March 2022. Stan is a…