The Alberta Pork Board of Directors welcomes its latest members, Stan Vanessen and Dan Majeau. Our board of directors helps guide the future direction of our organization while performing important work on behalf of fellow producers and the entire industry. Stan and Dan will begin their upcoming three-year terms in March 2022.
Stan is a partner-owner of AVE Farms near Picture Butte – north of Lethbridge – which has been producing hogs for more than four decades. Stan sees a real need for changes to the current pork pricing situation and marketing model to help improve profitability. Stan has been a director since 2019.
Dan is a partner-owner of Majeau Ag Enterprises near Rivière Qui Barre – northwest of Edmonton – a 500-sow farrow-to-finish operation. Dan believes that business risk management improvements and introducing made-in-Canada hog pricing would be beneficial for producers. Dan was previously a director and Chair from 2013 to 2018.
Our sincere appreciation to director Hendrik Fourie for his dedication and contributions over his two terms of service, which will end in March 2022.
Alberta Pork looks forward to addressing producer priorities, while collaborating with partners in industry and government to support the sustainability and advancement of the hog sector. Learn more about our work.