The Government of Alberta has released new technical rules governing farm and ranch occupational health and safety.
In 2016, the government introduced Bills 6 and 17, now known as the Enhancement of Protection of Farm and Ranch Workers Act and the Fair and Family-friendly Workplaces Act. These acts—covering only waged, non-family farm workers—have applied OHS legislation to Alberta producers in new ways.
Clarifications to farm and ranch OHS were released last month and cover basic safety standards, equipment, hazards and worker training. A full summary of the rules can be found here. OHS officers will perform farm visits if complaints are received, so take care to familiarize yourself with these rules if they apply to your operation.
If you are looking for additional resources related to health and safety, visit the AgSafe Alberta website, and stay tuned for an updated OHS manual to be released by Alberta Pork in the near future.
In response to the new rules, the Farm Health and Safety Producer Grant Program has been created to offer financial support for eligible costs incurred as a result of alignment with the new rules. The program is now open and accepting applications.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Charlotte Shipp, Industry Programs Manager, Alberta Pork by email at or by phone at 780-491-3528, toll-free at 1-877-247-PORK (7675).