Overseas farm visitor protocol introduced

Are you or your workers headed overseas? Especially with Christmas approaching, increased international travel poses a risk for transmitting serious and foreign animal diseases to Canadian pig herds. For those who visit farms while overseas, extra precautions must be taken, which is why Alberta Pork has developed a biosecurity protocol for international travel. Whether or…

Small producer handbook outlines best practices

New small producer handbook for reference Alberta Pork has just launched a new resource: our small-scale producer handbook. This handbook serves as a useful reference guide for best practices related to your production. The handbook can also be found on our Small-Scale Production webpage, which includes additional information. For questions about pork production, please contact…

Production Economist joins Alberta Pork

Alberta Pork is pleased to announce the arrival of Bijon Brown as our new Production Economist. Bijon has joined the team to focus on taking a closer look at cost of production, by collecting information from producers, aggregating the data and comparing it to pricing reports to better understand pork cost margins in Alberta. In…

Federal election 2019: results analysis

Overview The latest Canadian federal election took place on October 21, 2019. The overall result was a Liberal victory with 156 of 338 total seats in Parliament, forming a minority government. Leading up to the election, Alberta Pork covered international trade markets, business risk management, African Swine Fever preparedness, general agriculture policy, constituency characteristics and…

Federal election 2019: agriculture policy

Overview The next Canadian federal election will take place on Monday, October 21, 2019. For producers, the next election is an opportunity for the interests of agriculture to reinforced by voting for your local candidate with the strongest background and most favourable policy positions in this area. Approaching the upcoming election, Alberta Pork has previously…

Federal election 2019: candidate profiles

Overview The next Canadian federal election will take place on Monday, October 21, 2019. With each election cycle comes the possibility of new representatives. Taken together, all strictly urban constituencies in Calgary and Edmonton (excluding Edmonton-Wetaskiwin) comprise 17 of the province’s 34 federal constituencies. Some constituencies overlap sizeable urban areas but are large enough to…

Federal election 2019: African Swine Fever

Overview The next Canadian federal election will take place on Monday, October 21, 2019. For producers, the next election is an opportunity for the interests of agriculture to reinforced by voting for your local candidate with the strongest background and most favourable policy positions in this area. Approaching the upcoming election, Alberta Pork has previously…

Federal election 2019: business risk management

Overview The next Canadian federal election will take place on Monday, October 21, 2019. For producers, the next election is an opportunity for the interests of agriculture to reinforced by voting for your local candidate with the strongest background and most favourable policy positions in this area. Approaching the upcoming election, Alberta Pork has previously…